- The pool is open every day, 9 am to 9 pm
- No Lifeguard on duty.
- Swim at your own risk policy is in effect.
- Swimmers under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
- Pool is for residents only. A maximum of 4 guests allowed.
- The bathrooms will be open and accessible by FOB during pool hours.
The Riverview Clubhouse and Recreation areas is a benefit for every homeowner in Riverview. Riverview residents in good standing with the Homeowners Association have access to all the amenities offered at the Recreation Center which consists of a clubhouse, swimming pool, tennis court, basketball court, sand volleyball court, pavilion, and playground.
Key Fob Access: All residents will receive a key fob which will be required to access the clubhouse, pool and tennis courts. Please fill out the Clubhouse, Pool and Recreational Access Form and bring to the clubhouse to receive a fob.
Riverview Homeowners Association is located at 955 Ramblewood Drive, Easton, PA 18040 or email the Clubhouse Coordinator Coordinator@riverviewhoa.com.
Riverview Homeowners Association is located at 955 Ramblewood Drive, Easton, PA 18040 or email the Clubhouse Coordinator Coordinator@riverviewhoa.com.
**Please be aware that during "winter weather" the clubhouse will be off limits until the driveway, parking lots and sidewalks have been cleared of snow and ice. If you decide to enter the clubhouse area before the above-mentioned has been cleared, you will be entering at your own risk.**
Riverview’s swimming pool is open from Memorial Day weekend until Mid September. The swimming pool is managed by the Rivervew HOA Board.
As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to review the pool policies and rules with each member of your household and guests prior to every pool season. The Executive Board reviews these policies and rules on an annual basis and frequently makes changes based on the usage of the pool facility and issues that arise.
As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to review the pool policies and rules with each member of your household and guests prior to every pool season. The Executive Board reviews these policies and rules on an annual basis and frequently makes changes based on the usage of the pool facility and issues that arise.
Please be courteous and respectful to the Coordinator on duty as they are upholding the rules that have been provided by the Riverview HOA Board. Disregard for their instruction may result in a loss of pool, clubhouse and recreational privileges.
Pool and Recreation Center Rules & Policies
SECTION1: General Pool Rules – Pool Operating Dates, Pool Hours, Holiday Hours, How to Register for Pool Closure Notification.
SECTION2: Eligibility for Use of Riverview Recreation Facilities
SECTION3: Pool Access / Pool Access for Minors
SECTION4: Guest Policies
SECTION5: PA Department of Health Codes
SECTION6: General Pool Rules
SECTION7: Clubhouse Rules and Policies
SECTION8: Basketball Court Rules
SECTION9: Tennis Court Rules
SECTION10: Volleyball Court Rules
Opening Day: (Memorial Day Weekend)
GENERAL Pool Hours:
Everyday 9am to 9pm
NO LIFEGUARDS ON DUTY (Swim at your own Risk)
*Hours are contingent upon weather. The pool will be closed due to Thunder and Lightening.
Maximum Capacity Limits:
• Clubhouse =120 people / Swimming Pool=35 people
Check www.riverviewhoa.com for pool closures, maintenance interruptions, private party closures and updates.
The Riverview pool and clubhouse are for the use of Riverview Homeowners Association residents in good
standing and their guests. Residents include unit owners, permanent members of households living in Riverview
and designated tenants with appropriate documentation on file.
The Board of Directors of the Riverview Homeowners Association reserves the right to suspend use of the
Riverview pool and clubhouse as detailed below:
• Past due on the payment of any assessments
• Uncorrected violations
• Disorderly conduct at pool, courts or clubhouse
Rights of use shall be reinstated upon payment in full of any past due amount and adherence to community
Coordinator is given an updated list of eligible residents and tenants on a weekly basis by the HOA Board
of Directors. The coordinator does not have access to any financial information for residents.
All questions regarding financial eligibility and violation status should be emailed directly to treasurer@riverviewhoa.com.
Please allow up to 5 business days for processing.
Find forms under Forms & Documents at www.riverviewhoa.com.
Riverview HOA
Attn: Clubhouse Access
955 Ramblewood Drive
Easton, PA18040
B. ACCESS for MINORS UNDER AGE 18:[Swim At Your Own Risk]
➢ Children under the age of 14 are not permitted in the swimming pool area unless accompanied by an adult
18 years or older at all times.
➢ Parents give consent on the Clubhouse Access form and submit paperwork prior to the first pool visit.
➢ Parent and child agree to the following if inappropriate behavior is displayed at the pool by the
unaccompanied minor:
o 1st Infraction:Warning and clarification of pool rule or policy violation will be given.
o 2nd Infraction:15 minute suspension from the water.
o 3rd Infraction: Unaccompanied minor will be sent home and not allowed to return for the remainder of
the day.
Non–Resident Guests:
➢ Each household / unit may bring up to 4 non-resident guests to the pool at any one time free of charge.
➢ Non-resident guests under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a responsible adult 18 years of
age or older. That adult may be a resident or non-resident as long as one person in the party is a
resident of Riverview Estates. Example: A visiting Grandmother can bring her resident
grandchildren to the pool along with her grandchildren’s non-resident friends.
➢ All non-resident guests visiting during are the sole responsibility of the Riverview resident.
➢ Residents will be held responsible for all actions of their guests. It is the responsibility of the resident to make
sure guests adhere to all pool rules and policies.
It is the responsibility of all Riverview residents to uphold the standards of our community.
If you observe unacceptable behavior by other residents and/or guests, do not hesitate to report
activities to the Coordinator or the HOA Board by emailing Coordinator@riverviewhoa.com.
• All swimmers must shower before entering pool.
• Patrons with rashes, open wounds (oozing or bleeding) or obvious signs of illness will not be allowed in the pool.
- A key fob to access the pool, clubhouse and tennis court will be issued to each household. Complete the Access Form found under documents to receive your fob.
Pool Closure: The pool may be closed for inclement weather or unexpected repairs.